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About Us

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Treating over 115,000 people each and every year

Liverpool Heart and Chest hospital treats over 115,000 people each and every year for a variety of complex heart and lung problems.

Since our founding we have raised millions of pounds to help our dedicated medical staff, provide additional facilities for our patients, their families and our staff as well as assisting our researchers to find new ways of treating and curing heart and lung diseases.

The latest and the best

From medical equipment to training we ensure that our medical teams are always at the forefront of the most up to date practices.

Extending the excellence

From family rooms, coffee bars and garden spaces - we make the hospital a warm and welcoming environment at a time when people are at their most vulnerable.

Tomorrow's medicine today

We support our dedicated researchers in their work to discover the treatments and cures of the future.

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With your help we have...

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How you helped us too - Mobile Spirometry.jpg

Introduced our Mobile Spirometry Unit

Liverpool Heart and Chest is one of the few hospitals in the UK to introduce a mobile unit to help with the diagnosis and treatment of lung conditions.

Helping those most in need of treatment who live in areas of high deprivation and health inequality.

How you helped us too - Mobile Spirometry.jpg

Developed a new Training and Education Centre

Medicine is a fast moving environment and training staff to ensure that they are up to date with the latest techniques is key to continuing to provide the oustanding service that we do.

Thanks to you we have been able to develop a new training centre at LHCH "The Sir Ken Dodd Training and Education Centre" which will provide the additional facilities and space that we need to do this.

How you helped us too - Mobile Spirometry.jpg

Led the way in stroke reduction for patients 

LHCH is a leader in the field of cardiac surgery. Inevitably this means that many of the operations we perform are more complex. In some cases this might lead to a higher than normal risk of stroke both during and after the operation.  

You helped us purchase a new piece of equipment that can play a part in helping to mitigate this risk.

How we are governed

Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is the corporate trustee of the charity. Members of the Trust board and the charitable funds committee act as agents on behalf of the corporate trustee.

The Charitable Funds Committee is responsible for the overall management of the charity, and is required, amongst other responsibilities, to:

  • Manage the investment of funds in accordance with the Trustees Act 2000.

  • Ensure that funding decisions are appropriate, consistent with our aims, and provide added value and benefit to patients, their families  and our staff .

Meet the team!

Mary - Head of Fundraising

Mary has been at
LHCH Charity for over 8 years.  She *****************

Robyn - Community and Events Officer

Robyn has been with LHCH Charity for ** years and leads our Community and Events. She does a fantastic job of not only organising some great events but also going the extra mile to help our supporters who are organising their own.

Olivia - Digital Communications Officer 

Olivia has been at LHCH Charity for just over a year and looks after everything digital. Website updates, Social Media and so much more!

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