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Cardiac Diagnostics race for LHCH


On the 7th May, a handful of the brilliant LHCH Cardiac Diagnostics team will be taking part in the Liverpool Spring 10K all in support of LHCH Charity.

Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital is one of very few hospitals in the UK who offer care for those who have an existing heart condition and develop cancer or whose heart is at risk of being damaged due to chemotherapy treatments. This is why the team are taking on the fitness challenge in order to raise money to support their appeal to purchase a dedicated 3D Echocardiogram machine for the cardio-oncology unit. The new machine will enable the team to see hundreds more people and help prevent delays in their treatment, giving them many more years with their families and loved ones. We're wishing the team the very best of luck and if you too want to show your support, simply follow the link today and sponsor away


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